An intranasal tear neurostimulator is safe and effective for increasing tear production among individuals with dry eye

AAO: Intranasal Tear Neurostimulator Safe for Dry Eye

Schirmer scores significantly greater with active intranasal versus extranasal and sham applications
Increasing exercise intensity is associated with a reduced risk of glaucoma

AAO: Higher Exercise Intensity Tied to Reduced Risk of Glaucoma

Risk reduced 73 percent for those with highest versus lowest level of self-reported activity
Soluble interleukin 2 receptor has slightly better diagnostic value than angiotensin-converting enzyme for sarcoidosis in patients with uveitis

Soluble Interleukin 2 Receptor IDs Sarcoidosis in Uveitis

sIL-2R has slightly better diagnostic value than ACE for sarcoidosis in patients with uveitis
The addition of intravitreous dexamethasone to continued ranibizumab therapy does not improve visual acuity in eyes with persistent diabetic macular edema after anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy

AAO: No Visual Acuity Change With Dexamethasone in DME

Visual acuity no better with dexamethasone added to ranibizumab in persistent diabetic macular edema
Factors including increases in health care service price and intensity are associated with increases in U.S. health care spending from 1996 to 2013

Increases in U.S. Health Spending Tied to Health Service Price

Higher spending also linked to population growth and aging, negatively linked to disease incidence
Physicians have two extra weeks to preview their 2016 performance information as a result of a mistake related to the Centers for Medicare &#amp; Medicaid Services' Physician Compare online resource

Doctors Have Extra Two Weeks to Preview Performance Data

Due to technical issue with Physician Compare, CMS extending time frame for physicians to view data
A shortened glaucoma symptom measure based on the Collaborative Initial Glaucoma Treatment Study Symptom and Health Problem Checklist is reliable for evaluating glaucoma symptoms

18-Item Measure Reliable for Symptom Burden in Glaucoma

The 18-item Symptom and Health Problem Checklist can discriminate the severity of glaucoma
Pricing interventions seem to improve access to healthy food and beverage options with increases in stocking and sales of these items

Pricing Interventions Increase Sales, Intake of Healthy Foods

Also linked to reduced purchasing and consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages
Prevalence and incidence rates of low vision and blindness demonstrate a growing need for low vision rehabilitation services in the United States

Cases of Low Vision, Blindness Estimated to Double in 30 Years

Prevalence of those aged ≥45 with best corrected visual acuity less than 20/40 estimated at 3,894,406
Not all prescription drug users report receiving warnings about driving impairment

Driving Impairment Warnings Often Not Given With Rx Meds

For most drug categories, those who do receive warnings perceive higher risk of impaired driving