
Daily Oral PrEP Has Highest Preference Ranking Among Young Men


Reasons for selecting top product included ease of use for those who chose daily oral and daily event-driven oral pills

Even During Height of Pandemic, Most Did Not Use Prenatal Telehealth


Personal preference for in-person care was the most common reason for not using telehealth

Incidence of Lung Cancer Higher in Women Versus Men Aged 35 to 54 Years


Female-to-male incidence rate ratio increased from 0.73 during 2000 to 2004 to 1.05 during 2015 to 2019

Childbirth Tied to Medical Debt, Even Among Commercially Insured Families


Risk for medical debt in collections highest for postpartum individuals living in lowest-income neighborhoods

California Becomes First State to Ban Four Additives in Food


Law will not eliminate the foods these additives go in, but the manufacturers will need to make 'really minor' changes to ingredients

ASTRO: Hypofractionation Effective for Radiotherapy After Breast Reconstruction


Use of hypofractionation is as effective as conventionally fractionated RT for women undergoing reconstruction after mastectomy

Weight Loss-Driven Remission of Prediabetes Tied to Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk


Those reversing prediabetes show improvement in insulin sensitivity but not greater weight loss than those not achieving remission

Maternal Pertussis Vaccination Linked to Lower Infection Risk in Infants


Effectiveness of maternal vaccination decreased from 70.4 percent among infants younger than 2 months to 43.3 percent in those aged 7 to 8 months

Small Increased Risk for Congenital Anomalies Reported After ART


Increased risk seen for genitourinary abnormalities, especially after intracytoplasmic sperm injection

California Governor Rejects Bill to Provide Free Condoms to High Schoolers


California Gov. Gavin Newsom vetoed the bill, saying it was too expensive for a state with a large budget deficit