Women are underrepresented in leadership roles in obstetrics and gynecology

Women Underrepresented in Leadership Roles in Ob-Gyn

Highest representation of women in family planning; lowest in reproductive endocrinology and infertility
Defensive medicine is commonly practiced among surgeons and radiologists in Austria

Defensive Medicine Common Among Surgeons, Radiologists

More than one-quarter of diagnostics ordered for defensive reasons in Austria
The increasing use of medical scribes should not be a replacement for improving electronic health records

Impact of Medical Scribes on EHR Advancement Discussed

Use of medical scribes should not be replacement for improvement of EHRs
Neural tube defects have fallen 35 percent in the United States since mandatory folic acid fortification of enriched grain products was introduced in 1998; however

CDC: Neural Tube Defects Declining in the United States

Still, not enough women are getting enough folic acid
An aerobic exercise program can reduce fatigue in women undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer

Aerobic Exercise Reduces Fatigue With Radiotherapy for Breast CA

Findings in a quasi-experimental study of Taiwanese women with early-stage breast cancer
Working long hours may raise the risk for alcohol abuse

Working Long Hours? Beware Risky Alcohol Consumption

Researchers find link between long hours on the job and excess alcohol consumption
From 1988 to 2012

Antenatal Corticosteroid Use Up, Even When Not Optimal

From 1988 to 2012, increase in optimal, suboptimal, and questionably appropriate use
Trends show that diabetes incidence has stayed higher in recent decades than it was in the 1970s

Obesity Up in Past Decade, but Diabetes Incidence Stable

Risk of new-onset diabetes higher in the 1990s and 2000s than in the 1970s
A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is associated with higher risk of endometrial cancer

Metabolic Sx Tied to Higher Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Excess weight likely a big factor, but other conditions also appear to matter
The chances of being diagnosed with early breast cancer

Race, Ethnicity Impact Breast Cancer Prognosis

New research finds biological differences in tumor type, behavior