Girls who consume a lot of sugary drinks may begin menstruating earlier than girls who don't

Sugary Drink Consumption Tied to Earlier Menarche

Early menstruation a risk factor for depression and breast cancer
Many women with breast cancer lack basic knowledge about their disease

Many Breast Cancer Patients Lack Knowledge of Their Disease

Problem more pronounced among minority women
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are at increased risk for a number of serious health problems

Women With PCOS Hospitalized More Often

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome more likely to be hospitalized for variety of reasons
The 2015 recommended childhood and adolescence immunization schedules have been approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics and other medical organizations

AAP Approves 2015 Vaccine Schedule for Children, Teens

Minor changes from 2014 format include footnotes; extensive revision to meningococcal footnote
For endoluminal procedures relying on barrier protection to avoid contamination

May Be Room for Improvement in U/S Transducer Hygiene

Research indicates some institutions use cover materials of unacceptable permeability
For some obese women

Optimal Gestational Weight Gain in Obese Moms May Vary

Weight gain below the guidelines may be advised, with caution, in some obese pregnant women
The biggest clinical cancer advances for 2015 have been identified in an annual report from the American Society of Clinical Oncology

ASCO Reports Biggest Clinical Cancer Advances for 2015

The advance of the year is approval of four new therapies for treatment of CLL
Current targets call for 150 minutes of weekly exercise -- or 30 minutes of physical activity at least five days a week -- to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Although these standards don't need to be abandoned

Smaller Goals to Start Could Boost Activity in Sedentary

For those who are inactive, any activity may be better than none
Too many women of childbearing age take prescription opioids

CDC: Opioid Rx Prevalent in Reproductive-Aged Females

Experts recommend lowest effective dose for shortest amount of time + birth control
Only about half of American girls begin receiving the human papillomavirus vaccine at the recommended age

HPV Vaccination Often Not Timely for Girls

Researchers note that CDC recommends vaccination at age 11 or 12