People who average more than two drinks a day have a 34 percent higher risk of stroke compared to those whose daily average amounts to less than half a drink

Heavy Drinking in Middle Age Rivals HTN, DM As Stroke Risk

By age 75, however, blood pressure and diabetes became better predictors of stroke
Although the overall rate of colorectal cancer has fallen in recent decades

Colorectal Cancer Rates on Rise in Young Americans

Still, only 10 percent of cases occur in younger group, researchers find
For women with gestational diabetes mellitus

Triglycerides Significantly Elevated in Women With GDM

High triglyceride levels in women with gestational diabetes mellitus persist across trimesters
Researchers have found that menopause typically begins two to four years earlier in women with high levels of certain chemicals found in household items

PCBs, Phthalates Linked to Earlier Menopause

Association with higher exposures to organic pollutants in household items, environment
When pregnant women have non-severe hypertension

Less-Tight Control of Non-Severe BP in Pregnancy OK for Fetus

Controlling gestational blood pressure doesn't seem to affect baby, but may prevent problems for mom
Nearly one in 10 American adults don't take their medications as prescribed because they can't afford to

CDC: ~8 Percent of U.S. Adults Nonadherent Due to Rx Costs

Patients skipping doses, taking less medication or delaying filling prescriptions
A planned labor and vaginal birth after cesarean is an appropriate option for most women with a history of prior cesarean birth

AAFP Advocates for Planned Vaginal Birth After Cesarean

Clinicians should counsel, encourage, and facilitate planned vaginal birth after cesarean
For women undergoing screening mammography

Increase in Biopsies With DCIS, Invasive CA After Mammogram

Biopsy frequency up after diagnostic, but not screening, mammography
For postmenopausal women with pre- and stage 1-hypertension

Daily Blueberry Consumption May Reduce Blood Pressure

Decrease in blood pressure, arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women with pre-, stage 1-HTN
The risk of fractures increases with both weight gain and loss in older women

Postmenopausal Weight Loss or Gain Ups Risk of Fracture

Researchers found just a 5 percent gain or loss may affect postmenopausal bone health