In an environment where patients are increasingly aware of the costs of health care

High Deductible Plans Factor Into Physician-Patient Relationship

Physicians may want to be proactive by detailing costs and options for patients
More than half of women experience menopause-related hot flashes and night sweats for seven years or more

Hot Flashes Linger Long After Final Menses in Many Women

More than half of women experience these symptoms for seven years or more
Women and men below age 70 who are treated for osteoporosis have an excess mortality risk

Osteoporosis-Treated Adults Have Elevated Risk of Mortality

Residual life expectancy for 50- and 75-year-old man starting treatment estimated at 18.2 and 7.5 years
From 1980 to 2010 the Latino physician shortage worsened

Latino Physician Shortage Has Worsened Since 1980

Decrease in Latino physician rate per 100,000 of the Latino population from 1980 to 2010
Cancer patients rarely request unnecessary tests or treatments

Cancer Patients Rarely Demand Unnecessary Treatment, Tests

Doctors' claims that this is fueling increasing health costs unwarranted
Women who use hormone therapy after menopause -- even for just a few years -- may have an increased risk of ovarian cancer

HRT Use, Even Short Term, Tied to Higher Risk of Ovarian CA

Overall increase is small, though, adding one cancer per 1,000 women treated
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has allowed marketing of the Eclipse System for the treatment of fecal incontinence in adult women aged 18 to 75

FDA Permits Marketing of Device for Female Fecal Incontinence

Use of Eclipse System led to 50 percent decrease in episodes
Patients often prefer physicians with formal attire and white coats

Patients Tend to Prefer Formal Physician Attire

Patient preferences influenced by age, geographic location, context of care
Since the publication of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines for mammography in 2009

Mammography Rates Down Since 2009 USPSTF Guidelines

Decrease among white, Hispanic, and Asian women, but not among black women
Prenatal exposure to tobacco is associated with shorter fetal telomere length

Maternal Smoking Linked to Shorter Fetal Telomere Length

Tobacco exposure may result in early intrauterine programming