β-Blocker Use Delays Motor Onset With Huntington Disease
β-blocker use also tied to reduced rate of worsening of symptoms in early motor-manifest disease
Certain Risk Factors for MS Linked to Pediatric Brain Volume
MS-polygenic risk score and household parental smoking negatively linked to total brain volume, thalamic volume
Poststroke Epilepsy Risk Varies With Antihypertensive Treatment
Risk for PSE was lower for patients treated with ARBs and higher for those receiving calcium channel blockers, beta-blockers
Trump Says He’ll Try to Rid U.S. of Daylight Saving Time
Early Bilateral Oophorectomy Increases Risk of Alzheimer Disease
Risk even higher among women with bilateral oophorectomy carrying an APOE4 allele
Where One Lives Impacts Dementia Risk
Neighborhood disadvantage tied to higher blood pressure and cardiometabolic index, as well as lower cognitive scores
Pressure Ulcers During Spinal Cord Injury Hospitalization Tied to Poor Long-Term Outcomes
Exposure to pressure ulcers linked to impaired motor recovery one year after spinal cord injury
Cardiorespiratory Fitness Tied to Better Cognitive Performance in Seniors
Better performance seen across five cognitive domains
People With Epilepsy Have Higher Likelihood of Cognitive Impairment
Depressive symptoms, anxiety seen across patient groups referred to Austin Hospital First Seizure Clinic
ACIP Updates Recommendations for Bexsero MenB-4C Vaccine
ACIP recommends extending interval for two-dose series and adding three-dose series in accordance with FDA label