A mindfulness program appears to be beneficial for patients with chronic pain

Mindfulness Program Beneficial for Chronic Pain

Significant effect on primary outcome measure of the Short Form-36 vitality scale
An active ingredient in some psoriasis and multiple sclerosis medications

Dimethyl Fumarate Linked to Development of PML

Linked to two cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Physicians have only 45 days to review and dispute reports regarding their financial ties to drug and medical device manufacturers reported under the Physician Payments Sunshine Act

Limited Time Available to Review Sunshine Act Data

Doctors have limited time period to review financial data and dispute reports before they go public
Stethoscope hygiene is rarely performed by trainee physicians

Med Students, Residents Rarely Perform Stethoscope Hygiene

After excluding cases prompted by attending doctor, stethoscope hygiene performed in 11 percent
Targeted body temperature management after cardiac arrest might help prevent or lessen brain damage

Targeted Body Temp Mgmt Post Cardiac Arrest May Benefit Brain

Reducing body temperature slightly tied to good mental outcomes
In the early stages of infection

HIV Can Damage Brain Early in Course of Infection

Findings appear to underscore need for early diagnosis, treatment
The use of physician extenders (mainly physician assistants and nurse practitioners) may bring added legal risks to a practice

Article Highlights Legal Issues Linked to Physician Extenders

Understanding legal issues allows effective use of PEs, who can be beneficial in health care
Most children with special health care needs with current attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder receive medication treatment or behavioral therapy

Three-Quarters of Children With ADHD Take Meds

Just under one-third of children receive both meds and behavioral therapy
Aerobic exercise might boost neurocognitive function in people with schizophrenia

Exercise May Improve Neurocognition in Schizophrenia

Aerobic activity offers many benefits, but study needs to be duplicated, researcher says
Some patients experience difficulties swallowing and modify medication dosage forms

Patients May Be Modifying Meds Due to Trouble Swallowing

Some consumers do not consult health professionals if they experience problems, before modifying meds