
Clinicians Are Interested in Climate Change Education


Two-thirds to three-quarters of respondents believe it is relevant in their lives or clinical practice

Pain Diagnoses Seen for Most Patients With Cerebral Palsy


Eighty-nine percent of patients with CP have one or more documented pain diagnoses; 38.8 percent of patients had nociceptive pain only

BoNT-A Does Not Affect Gross Energy Cost of Walking in Cerebral Palsy


Single injection of botulinum toxin A into calf muscles may result in a larger reduction in pain intensity at 12 weeks

High-Intensity Interval Training Improves Cardiorespiratory Fitness After Stroke


Greater cardiorespiratory fitness gains seen with high-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity continuous training

Elevated Metals in Plasma, Urine Linked to ALS Risk, Survival


ALS-, metal-polygenic risk score does not alter significance of association with ALS risk, survival

FDA Approves Voranigo for Grade 2 Astrocytoma or Oligodendroglioma


This is the first FDA-approved systemic therapy for patients with a susceptible IDH1 or IDH2 mutation

CDC Presents Provisional Mortality Data for 2023 in the United States


Number of deaths from COVID-19 was 68.9 percent lower than in 2022

2002 to 2021 Saw Decline, Followed by Increase in Stroke Death Rates


Stroke death rates increased 7 percent between 2012 and 2019 followed by 12 percent increase through 2021

HbA1c Stability Tied to Lower Risk for Alzheimer Disease and Related Dementias


Findings seen in large study of older veterans with diabetes

ChatGPT Only Gets Diagnoses Correct Half of the Time


However, analysis shows some medical education benefits, such as simplifying medical concepts and offering guidance on differential diagnoses