
Lithium Aspartate Not Effective for Neurologic Long COVID Fatigue


In subsequent dose-finding study, numerically greater reductions seen in fatigue, cognitive dysfunction scores with 40 to 45 mg/day

15.5 Million Adults Had Current ADHD Diagnosis in 2023


Of the about one-third receiving stimulant medication, 71.5 percent had difficulty filling prescription due to unavailability

Wayfinding Task on Smartphone Can Detect Subjective Cognitive Decline


Performance measures extracted from GPS and user data differentiated between those with subjective cognitive decline, cognitively healthy adults

Industry Payments Common for Physician Peer Reviewers of Top Journals


Peer reviewers in this study received $64.18 million in general payments between 2020 and 2022

Risk for Ischemic Stroke, ICH Increased With Carbonated Drink Intake


Fruit juice/drink intake not associated with ischemic stroke, but is associated with intracerebral hemorrhage

Lentiviral Gene Therapy Beneficial for Early Cerebral Adrenoleukodystrophy


No major functional disabilities observed at month 24; 81 percent of patients had no major functional disabilities at median of six years

Letter Nudges Increase Likelihood of Flu Vaccination for Adults With Chronic Diseases


Influenza vaccination rates higher for those receiving one of six intervention letters versus usual care

Liberal Transfusion Strategy May Avert Unfavorable Neurological Outcome


Fewer patients with acute brain injury receiving transfusion triggered by hemoglobin <9 g/dL versus <7 g/dL had unfavorable neurological outcome

Persistent Markers of Infection Tied to Higher Likelihood of Long COVID Symptoms


One in five asymptomatic individuals were antigen-positive versus half of those with ongoing cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal, and neurologic symptoms

Hematologic Cancer Develops in Some Patients Receiving Eli-Cel


Hematologic cancer developed in seven of 67 patients with cerebral adrenoleukodystrophy receiving eli-cel gene therapy