CDC Presents Provisional Mortality Data for 2023 in the United States
Number of deaths from COVID-19 was 68.9 percent lower than in 2022
Complex Interaction Seen Between Social Determinants of Health, Mortality
A scoring system can help identify individuals at high risk for mortality based on their combination of social determinants of health
Eating More Fruits, Vegetables Tied to Lower Blood Pressure
Additional benefits include improved kidney and heart health in patients with hypertension
Disparities Exist in Wait-Listing for Pediatric Kidney Transplants
Adult transplant candidates who initiated dialysis before 18 years missed opportunity for pediatric prioritization
Being at Eye Level May Benefit Clinician-Patient Interaction
Eye-level communication more effective compared with standing at the bedside of inpatients
Digital Subtraction Angiography-Guided TDC Performance Superior
Performance of DSA-guided tunneled dialysis catheters is superior to ultrasound-guided TDC in renal replacement therapy
More Women Than Men Experience Nonphysical Violence in Health Care Workforce
Women more likely to experience verbal abuse, sexual harassment, bullying, while men more likely to experience physical violence
Pulsed Field Ablation Demonstrates Favorable Safety Profile for A-Fib
No esophageal complications, pulmonary vein stenosis, persistent phrenic palsy observed; stroke was rare and death even rarer