No Link Seen Between GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Use and Thyroid Cancer
Authors say large, multisite study should provide reassurance for short-term risk
Personalized Cognitive Training Via Serious Video Game Aids ADHD Symptoms
Benefits seen for material organization, working memory, and inhibition
Trump Issues Executive Order Withdrawing U.S. From WHO
WHO issues statement citing work the United States and WHO have done together and expressing hope for maintaining partnership
Bird Flu Found in Georgia Commercial Poultry for First Time
Clinical Practice Guidelines Updated for Management of Stroke Rehab
47 recommendations developed in areas relevant to primary care, including transition to community, motor therapy, mental health
GLP-1 Receptor Agonists Tied to Risks and Benefits Beyond Weight Loss
Reduced risks seen for neurocognitive, coagulation, cardiometabolic disorders; increased risks seen for GI, arthritic disorders
Websites Selling Compounded GLP-1 RAs Often Misinform Consumers
Only 34 of 79 websites stated that compounded drugs were not FDA approved; 39 websites did not report adverse effects, warnings
1999 to 2021 Saw Rise in Methamphetamine-Related Mortality
This trend may be driven by increases in heroin and synthetic opioids coinvolvement
Moderna Receives $590M From HHS to Develop Bird Flu Vaccine
2011 to 2022 Saw Increasing Prevalence of Poor Mental Health
Inequities noted in outcomes by age, sex, and racial and ethnic group