Being sedentary may be twice as deadly as being obese

Sedentary Lifestyle Worse for Health Than Obesity

Just a 20-minute brisk walk each day can lower odds of early death, researchers add
Trends show that diabetes incidence has stayed higher in recent decades than it was in the 1970s

Obesity Up in Past Decade, but Diabetes Incidence Stable

Risk of new-onset diabetes higher in the 1990s and 2000s than in the 1970s
A wide range of physician-reported rationales drive overrides of best practice alerts for blood product transfusions

Rationale for Overriding Best Practice Alerts Highly Diverse

In blood product transfusions BPAs, physicians justify overrides with wide range of rationales
Adults with asthma face an increased risk for developing obstructive sleep apnea

Asthma Linked With ~40 Percent Higher Risk of OSA

The longer an individual had asthma, the greater the risk for developing obstructive sleep apnea
Mortality risk in older Medicare patients who undergo carotid artery stenting is high

Benefit of Carotid Stenting in Elderly Called Into Question

A third of older patients died within two years of procedure
Easing fears that exercise may worsen symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome is crucial in efforts to prevent disability in people with the condition

Providers Urged to Address Patient Fears in Chronic Fatigue

Many with condition are afraid exercise will make the condition worse
Over four decades (1970 to 2010)

Community Efforts Saved Lives, Cut Costs in Maine

Better screening, control of high cholesterol and blood pressure cut deaths and hospitalizations
For accountable care organizations (ACOs)

Guidance Offered for Ethical Referrals Within ACOs

Influencing referrals should be transparent, with appropriate metrics and the right incentives
Working long hours may raise the risk for alcohol abuse

Working Long Hours? Beware Risky Alcohol Consumption

Researchers find link between long hours on the job and excess alcohol consumption
A new electrical stimulation device designed to control obesity by targeting the nerve pathways between the brain and stomach that regulate hunger and fullness has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA: Stimulation Device Approved to Treat Obesity

Targets vagus nerve which regulates hunger