A brief mindfulness-based intervention has a positive short-term effect on psychological and behavioral measures as well as proinflammatory signal markers in younger breast cancer survivors

Mindfulness Intervention De-Stresses Cancer Survivors

Positive short-term effects seen in younger breast cancer survivors
Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are frequently discordant

BMI and Waist Circumference Are Frequently Discordant

WC linked to VAT, liver fat, adverse cardiometabolic risk profile within each BMI category
Factors associated with adherence to medications for treatment of diabetes include experience with diabetes therapy and related costs

Rx Adherence Lower for Patients New to Diabetes Therapy

Adherence also linked to other factors, including use of mail order pharmacies, lower out-of-pocket costs
For patients undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery

Four-Times Daily ASA More Effective in Post-CABG Patients

Multiple 81 mg ASA more effective for suppressing serum TBX2 formation, platelet aggregation
Venlafaxine seems to be effective for the treatment of fibromyalgia

Review: Venlafaxine May Be Effective for Fibromyalgia Tx

Studies limited by small sample size, inconsistency of outcomes, methodological concerns
For patients with suspected infection or inflammation

CRP/ESR Disagreement Common in Infection, Inflammation

Twenty percent of patients who underwent repeat testing had disagreement on initial test
Unhealthy dietary behaviors are associated with refractory functional dyspepsia

Unhealthy Dietary Behaviors Linked to Functional Dyspepsia

Risk factors for refractory FD include skipping meals, eating extra meals, preference for sweet foods
An experimental test which checks sputum for three microRNA biomarkers of lung cancer was able to distinguish early-stage lung cancer from noncancerous nodules the majority of the time

Sputum Biomarkers May Help ID Malignant Lung Nodules

More than 80 percent correct in ID of cancerous nodules, but accuracy still needs improving
For patients with Raynaud's phenomenon

Cold Effects on Skin in Raynaud’s Impacted by Age, BMI

Cold-induced decrease in skin temperature inversely linked to age, BMI in patients not controls
Physicians work long hours

Most Docs Work 40 to 60 Hours Per Week

Considerable proportion work 61 to 80 or more hours; half of docs would prefer to work fewer hours