The inflammatory adipokine leptin may have a mediating effect on the relationship between body weight and knee osteoarthritis in older adults

Leptin May Mediate Knee-Related Osteoarthritis

The inflammatory adipokine may account for about half of the effect of BMI on knee osteoarthritis
For adult patients with Crohn's disease

Meta-Analysis Compares Tx for Inducing Remission in Crohn’s

Adalimumab and infliximab + azathioprine most effective for induction, maintenance of remission
For postmenopausal women with pre- and stage 1-hypertension

Daily Blueberry Consumption May Reduce Blood Pressure

Decrease in blood pressure, arterial stiffness in postmenopausal women with pre-, stage 1-HTN
The risk of fractures increases with both weight gain and loss in older women

Postmenopausal Weight Loss or Gain Ups Risk of Fracture

Researchers found just a 5 percent gain or loss may affect postmenopausal bone health
Current smoking reduces odds of survival in prostate cancer

Current Smoking Reduces Survival in Prostate Cancer

Former, as well as current, smokers saw higher risk for radiation tx-related urinary side effects
Millions of Americans aged 65 and older fall every year

Many Seniors Not Reporting Falls to Physician

Fewer than half tell their doctor of fall, researcher notes
A smartphone application providing real-time advice about sun protection offers some improvement in sun protection behaviors

Real-Time Mobile App Can Improve Sun Protection

Two studies demonstrate some improvement in sun protection behaviors
Sleeping well during middle age may be an investment that leads to better mental functioning later in life

Sleeping Well in Middle Age May Pay Off Later in Life

Better functioning reported decades afterward, researchers find
Automated external defibrillators installed and ready for use in many public spaces can save lives when needed

FDA to Strengthen Approval Process for AEDs

Agency has received 72,000 reports of automated external defibrillators failing
Intensive lifestyle modifications

Impact of Intensive Lifestyle Change on CV Burden Studied

Review indicates diet, exercise decrease overall coronary/carotid atherosclerosis burden