Although the overall rate of colorectal cancer has fallen in recent decades

Colorectal Cancer Rates on Rise in Young Americans

Still, only 10 percent of cases occur in younger group, researchers find
Some people who develop recurring kidney stones may also have high levels of calcium deposits in their blood vessels

Recurrent Kidney Stones Linked to Arterial Calcium Deposits

Patients might need closer monitoring for further signs of pending cardiovascular issues
In what could be a significant advance for personalized medicine

Obama to Launch Personalized Medicine Research Initiative

Asking Congress for $215 million to compile genetic data of one million Americans for study
From 2002 to 2011 there was a decrease in the rate of hospitalizations for hepatitis A

Hepatitis A Hospitalizations Down From 2002 to 2011

Increase in age of those hospitalized, and in percent of hospitalizations covered by Medicare
Researchers have found that menopause typically begins two to four years earlier in women with high levels of certain chemicals found in household items

PCBs, Phthalates Linked to Earlier Menopause

Association with higher exposures to organic pollutants in household items, environment
Early results suggest an experimental Ebola vaccine triggers an immune response and is safe to use. The findings were published online Jan. 28 in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Results Appear Promising for Experimental Ebola Vaccine

Vaccine works against Zaire strain of Ebola currently circulating in West Africa
Results of a small study suggest that Parkinson's patients seem to improve if they think they're taking a costly medication. The findings have been published online Jan. 28 in Neurology.

Cost of Meds Contributes to Placebo Effect in Parkinson’s

Parkinson's patients given fake drugs fared better on 'more expensive' medication
If all Americans had their hypertension under control

Following BP Guidelines Will Save Lives and Money

Investing in treatment strategies would yield both health and economic benefits, researcher says
Compared to people with conservative and moderate political ideologies

Liberals, Independents Found to Have Greater Longevity

But researchers can't pinpoint why they outlive Republicans, Democrats over 30 years
Nearly one in 10 American adults don't take their medications as prescribed because they can't afford to

CDC: ~8 Percent of U.S. Adults Nonadherent Due to Rx Costs

Patients skipping doses, taking less medication or delaying filling prescriptions