Hormonal therapy is recommended for treatment of acne in patients who do not respond to standard therapies

Review: Hormonal Rx Not Indicated As Acne Monotherapy

May include spironolactone, flutamide, low-dose glucocorticoids, GnRH agonists
Bacteria may offer a new way to treat cancer

CIO: Bacteria Could Be Useful in Fight Against Cancer

Weakened strain of Clostridium novyi-NT bacteria thrives in low oxygen environment
Recommendations for the use of magnetic resonance imaging in multiple myeloma are presented in a consensus statement published online Jan. 20 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Recommendations Presented for MRI Use in Multiple Myeloma

MRI is gold standard for imaging axial skeleton, assessing painful lesions, ID'ing benign fractures
Patient engagement initiatives can decrease costs without sacrificing quality care

Patient Engagement Can Cut Costs, Improve Outcomes

Initiatives can decrease hospital visits, cut morbidity and mortality, up treatment adherence
Medicaid expansion is associated with greater reductions in out-of-pocket spending for previously uninsured low-income adults than Marketplace exchange coverage with premium tax credits and generous benefits

Medicaid Expansion Tops Savings Versus Marketplace

Great reduction in out-of-pocket spending for previously uninsured low-income adults
Taking spironolactone alongside the antibiotic trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole can cause blood potassium to rise to potentially life-threatening levels

Spironolactone + TMP-SMX May Up Risk of Sudden Death

Doctors urged not to prescribe spironolactone with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole
Non-pharmacological alternatives for the treatment of delirium are available and beneficial

Non-Pharmacological Options Efficacious in Treating Delirium

Simply reminding patient each morning of date, place can help, researchers found

January 2015 Briefing – Internal Medicine

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Internal Medicine for January 2015. This roundup includes the...
Greater adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet is tied to decreased left ventricular mass

Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Left Ventricular Mass

Reduction in mass may confer diet's protective cardiovascular effect
Patients with psoriasis are less likely to engage in physical activity

Patients With Psoriasis Less Likely to Be Physically Active

Less likely to engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity, especially those with severe disease