The tragic shooting of surgeon Michael Davidson can be used as an opportunity to find meaning in tragedy

Perspective on Dr. Davidson: ‘Be Like Mike’

Michael Davidson took on highest risk patients, sought to extend lives in cases deemed 'hopeless'
The prevalence of HIV-related mortality is still highest among blacks

CDC: HIV-Related Mortality Disparities Persisting for Blacks

And, blacks account for 45 percent of CDC-funded testing events, 54.9 percent of newly positive
Scientists say they have identified two new genetic variants that are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. Their findings are published online Feb. 4 in Human Molecular Genetics.

Two Novel Genetic Variants for Breast Cancer Discovered

London scientists say variants most strongly linked to estrogen receptor-positive disease
Patients with systolic blood pressure higher than 150 mm Hg face increased risks without aggressive drug treatment started within a month and a half

Prompt, Aggressive BP Management Encouraged

Systolic reading of 150 should prompt immediate action to prevent poor outcomes, researchers say
In response to the announcement of changes to the Maintenance of Certification requirements from the American Board of Internal Medicine

ABFM: No Change to Maintenance of Certification Requirements

In response to announcement from ABIM, ABFM making no changes to requirements at this time
In a population of predominantly young

Low Adherence to Daily HIV Prophylaxis in High-Risk Women

Products that do not require daily use may be more suitable for some women
For patients with suspected stroke

Prehospital Magnesium Sulfate Doesn’t Benefit Stroke Outcomes

No improvement in disability outcomes at 90 days with prehospital magnesium sulfate therapy
A smartphone accessory that can detect HIV and syphilis has been developed by Columbia University researchers. The findings were published in the Feb. 4 issue of Science Translational Medicine.

Smartphone Accessory Could Help Detect HIV, Syphilis

Low-cost accessory replicates laboratory-based blood test, researchers report
Researchers say giving birth control information to women visiting dermatology clinics can help promote the safe use of isotretinoin. The study was published online Feb. 4 in JAMA Dermatology.

Contraception Info Given With Isotretinoin Rx Ups Safe Use

Effective birth control key in using the medication
Only about one in two U.S. nursing home workers receive an annual flu vaccination

Flu Vaccination Rates for Nursing Home Staff Too Low

Many nursing home workers have mistaken beliefs about the flu and vaccination