For aspirin-sensitive patients undergoing everolimus-eluting stent implantation

Six-Month Dual Antiplatelet Tx Noninferior to 24-Month DAPT

Findings show noninferiority for six-months of treatment in aspirin-sensitive patients
U.S. recommendations against the prostate-specific antigen test for prostate cancer might have prompted a small but measurable increase in the number of higher-risk cases diagnosed recently

ASCO: High-Risk Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Up Since New PSA Recs

Researchers report 3 percent annual rise in intermediate- and high-risk cases
Younger women may ignore early warning signs of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Younger Women Hesitate to Raise ‘False Alarm’ in MI

Could help explain higher mortality from acute MI, compared to men in same age group
The greater number of Americans with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act will lead to only a slight increase in the use of medical services

~4 Percent Increase in Primary Care Visits Expected With ACA

Commonwealth Fund foresees only modest increases in use of services
In the United States

Quality of Care Lacking for ESRD in Lupus Nephritis

Minority race/ethnicity and lack of private insurance associated with inadequate care in U.S.
Men who've had testicular cancer may be at increased risk for prostate cancer

ASCO: Testicular Cancer May Raise Risk of Prostate Cancer

But it's too soon to make any recommendations, and overall risk is low, researcher says
People who are resistant to aspirin may be at risk for larger

AAN: Aspirin Resistance Predicts More Severe Stroke

What causes aspirin resistance isn't known
Choosing active surveillance over treatment for prostate cancer may decrease the odds of survival in men with intermediate-risk cancer

ASCO: Survival Down in Some Cases of Active Surveillance

Lower survival for intermediate-risk disease, compared to low-risk cases
For patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 and HIV coinfection

SVR Rates Up With New Regimens for HCV and HIV Coinfection

Studies show high rates for all-oral, interferon-free 3D plus ribavirin regimen, ledipasvir + sofosbuvir
Intense anger or anxiety greatly increases the risk of acute myocardial infarction

Bouts of Intense Anger Greatly Up Heart Attack Risk

Explosive anger increased risk eight-fold, researchers found