Chronic fatigue syndrome appears to be linked to specific changes in a person's immune system

Distinct Immune Changes Seen in Patients With Chronic Fatigue Sx

Researchers saw evidence only in first three years of disease; findings could lead to early test
Psychological stress correlates with increased risk of peptic ulcer

Stress Ups Risk of Peptic Ulcer Regardless of H. Pylori Status

Psychological stress increases the incidence of peptic ulcer, in part by influencing health risk behaviors
An invasive strategy using coronary angiography results in a better outcome in elderly patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome

Invasive Strategy Improves Outcome in Elderly With ACS

Outcome better with coronary angiography for non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome
The dentist's office may be a good place to screen people for diabetes

Screening for DM at Dental Visit May Be Effective Strategy

Researchers find testing blood from mouth is as accurate as finger prick at diagnosing condition
Given the increasing epidemic of obesity

Longer Needles Recommended for Epinephrine Autoinjectors

In 68 percent of participants, skin-to-muscle depth was greater than autoinjector needle length
For patients with diabetes and depression

CBT, Sertraline Insufficient in Diabetes and Depression

Improvement in depression, with advantage for sertraline, but glycemic control remains unchanged
Almost half a million Americans were infected with the bacteria Clostridium difficile in 2011

CDC: In U.S., Half Million C. Difficile Infections in 2011

29,000 died within a month of diagnosis
Adults who sleep more than eight hours a night may face a higher risk of stroke

Sleeping More Than Eight Hours a Night May Up Stroke Risk

More than eight hours a night linked to greater odds in study, but cause-and-effect not proved
Heart failure patients who struggle to perform daily tasks are at increased risk for hospitalization and death

Struggle With Routine Tasks Predicts Adverse CHF Outcomes

Struggling patients more likely to be hospitalized than those who can handle basic chores
Addicts' use of a powerful painkiller is driving a large HIV outbreak in Indiana

Use of Injected Opioid Tied to HIV Outbreak in Indiana

Addicts using tainted needles to inject the prescription opioid oxymorphone