Key steps should be taken to minimize the potential risk of liability resulting from use of telemedicine

AMA: Key Steps for Minimizing Liability Risk in Telemedicine

Include defining minimum requirement necessary for establishing doctor-patient relationship
Two cases of hepatitis C infection that occurred during routine surgeries highlight the need for hospitals to tighten infection control to prevent more transmissions

CDC: Routine Procedures Lead to Two Cases of HCV Transmission

In both cases, there were breaches in safety rules, CDC reports
Young children are at increased risk of becoming seriously ill with pneumonia -- but unlike in years past

Incidence of Viral Pneumonia Up in Young Children

66 percent of pneumonia cases in more than 2,000 children studied caused by viruses alone
Almost half a million Americans were infected with the bacteria Clostridium difficile in 2011

CDC: In U.S., Half Million C. Difficile Infections in 2011

29,000 died within a month of diagnosis
Addicts' use of a powerful painkiller is driving a large HIV outbreak in Indiana

Use of Injected Opioid Tied to HIV Outbreak in Indiana

Addicts using tainted needles to inject the prescription opioid oxymorphone
In 26 U.S. tuberculosis outbreaks the initial source case-patients had long incubation periods and were characterized by substance abuse

Characteristics of Tuberculosis Source Cases Identified

Source-case patients have long infectious periods; most report substance abuse, homelessness, prison
Patients with HIV infection receiving antiretroviral therapy have increased 30-day postoperative mortality versus uninfected patients

Post-Op Mortality Low Among HIV Patients Prescribed ART

Increased mortality at all CD4 cell count strata, although absolute incidence is low
There's new evidence that pre-exposure prophylaxis in the days before and after a sexual encounter with an HIV-infected partner can be effective prevention. Two new studies were presented Tuesday at the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

CROI: Support for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in HIV Prevention

Research suggests tenofovir/emtricitabine doesn't need to be taken daily, but more study still needed
A centralized statewide reminder system for immunizations may be a more reliable way to increase overall vaccination rates than reminders from a doctor's office

Centralized Reminder System Could Increase Vaccination Rates

Centralized notification system might be more effective than doctors' office messages
For patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 and HIV coinfection

SVR Rates Up With New Regimens for HCV and HIV Coinfection

Studies show high rates for all-oral, interferon-free 3D plus ribavirin regimen, ledipasvir + sofosbuvir