The Obama Administration reported Monday the largest drop in the number of Americans without health insurance since the Johnson administration expanded health coverage through Medicare and Medicaid 50 years ago.

More Than 16 Million Americans Have Gained Coverage Under ACA

White House announces historic drop in number of uninsured Americans
For emergency department patients with pneumonia

Real-Time Decision Support Tool Aids ER Pneumonia Patients

Post deployment, significantly lower mortality in patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Medical specialties vary by gender

Gender-Specific Variation in Medical Specialties

About 85 percent of ob-gyn residents are female, while more males in surgery, emergency medicine

MMR Vaccination Rates Might Be As Low As 50 Percent

Analysis estimates MMR vaccination rates at 50 to 86 percent among exposed population in recent outbreak
Your voice may be the key to landing a new job

Getting Heard May Be Key to Getting New Job

Pitch for job was more convincing when evaluators heard it than when they read it
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is listening to physicians and wants to address the regulatory burdens they face

HHS Wants to Help Restore Joy of Medicine

Agency listening to physicians and addressing concerns including EHR usability, meaningful use
For patients with acute thoracic herpes zoster

Single Paravertebral Blockade Seems Safe in Herpes Zoster

Safe and effective treatment modality in patients with acute thoracic herpes zoster
Researchers are not promptly reporting the results of clinical trials to

Clinical Trial Data Often Not Reported in Timely Manner

Delays in filing findings on new treatments mean patients aren't informed, researcher says
Health care providers on the West Coast need to look out for syphilis that can cause blindness

Health Officials Warn of Blinding Cases of Syphilis on West Coast

Doctors and eye-care providers should be alert for symptoms of ocular syphilis
In the wake of the measles outbreak that has generated headlines for months

HealthDay/Harris Poll: More Americans in Favor of Vaccination

Survey results in wake of measles outbreak