Some patients experience difficulties swallowing and modify medication dosage forms

Patients May Be Modifying Meds Due to Trouble Swallowing

Some consumers do not consult health professionals if they experience problems, before modifying meds
Two separate teams of investigators conclude that an experimental Ebola vaccine is safe

Promising Research on rVSV Vaccine for Ebola

Immune response seen in all study volunteers; side effects were manageable
Travelers are bringing a drug-resistant strain of the Shigella sonnei bacteria to the United States and spreading it to other people

CDC: Multidrug-Resistant Shigellosis Spreading in U.S.

Strain of Shigella is easily transmitted and causes tough-to-treat diarrhea, CDC says

March 2015 Briefing – Infectious Disease

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Infectious Disease for March 2015. This roundup includes the...
The legal and ethical responsibilities of removing a patient from practice are discussed in an article published March 16 in Medical Economics.

Legal Issues of Removing Patient From Practice Explored

Article provides suggestions to protect physician from liability, accusations of patient abandonment
The number of mobile health apps is continuing to increase and doctors are embracing this trend

Mobile Health App Use Continuing to Increase

More than one-third of doctors recommended mobile health apps to their patients in past year
About 6.1 percent of U.S. allopathic medical school seniors in the National Resident Matching Program were not placed into first-year residency positions

2015 Match Sees High Proportion of Unmatched Seniors

2015 Match included largest number of registrants on record; all-time high in terms of positions offered
Fecal transplants

Fecal Transplants Deemed Successful in C. difficile Tx

Fecal matter is collected from donor, purified, mixed with saline solution and transferred to patient
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection may affect the severity of psoriasis

H. Pylori May Impact Severity of Psoriasis

No higher prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients with mild, moderate psoriasis
Burnout can be prevented if physicians are aware of the warning signs

Physicians Should Be Aware of Signs of Burnout

Stress is major predictor for burnout among doctors; operating in high-stress environment also harmful