
COVID-19 Pandemic Tied to Burnout in Health Care Professionals


Emotional exhaustion and depersonalization increased as the pandemic wore on in 2020

Stress-Management Interventions May Aid Health Care Workers


Review generally revealed low-certainty evidence, particularly for longer-term effects

More Than Half of U.S. Medical Interns Experience Sexual Harassment


Variation seen by institution and specialty training

Doxycycline Postexposure Prophylaxis Does Not Avert STIs in Women


Incidence of STIs not significantly lower with doxycycline PEP than with standard care among women receiving HIV PrEP

Burnout, Lack of Fulfillment Linked to Physician Intention to Leave


Inverse associations with intention to leave seen for increases in supportive leadership behavior, peer support, perceived gratitude

2014 to 2021 Saw Increase in HIV Testing, PrEP in Transgender Persons


In 2021, 20.2 and 10.2 percent of transgender women and transgender men who had an HIV test were prescribed PrEP

Virological Suppression Sustained With Very Early ART in Neonates With HIV-1


Estimated probability of maintaining undetectable plasma RNA through 2 years was 33 and 57 percent in cohorts 1 and 2, respectively

ChatGPT Shows Poor Performance in Answering Drug-Related Questions


Nearly three-quarters of drug-related questions received no response or incomplete, wrong answers

White House Looks to Curb Big Pharma’s Sky-High Drug Prices


If a drug is too expensive, the Biden administration will use federal law to grant patent licenses to rival pharma companies

Many Patients of Color Expect and Prepare for Unfair Health Care


In a recent survey, 55 percent of Black respondents said they believe they must be careful about their appearance to get fair treatment in doctors' offices