Human papillomavirus type 16 seropositivity is relatively common before anal cancer diagnosis

HPV16 Seropositivity Relatively Common Before Anal Cancer

Seropositivity tends to increase in blood samples drawn closer to time of cancer diagnosis
A review of U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspection reports between 1998 and 2013 revealed 57 clinical trials in which regulators had uncovered violations serious enough to earn the agency's most severe classification -- "official action indicated

Research Misconduct ID’d by FDA Often Unreported in Literature

Only three of 78 published studies mentioned issues of concern uncovered by FDA
Low-dose iron supplements speed blood donors' recovery of iron and hemoglobin

Iron Supplements Speed Blood Donation Recovery

Finding could allow people to donate again sooner to help keep blood supply adequate
For children and adolescents with an adnexal mass

One-Quarter of Adnexal Masses in Youth Are Malignant

Presence of gynecologic surgeon lowers odds of oophorectomy in benign masses
For medical students

Confidence Not Accurate Measure of Prescribing Competence

Fourth-year medical students show lack of insight into their own prescribing strengths and weaknesses
Researchers say they have identified eight specific physical signs that strongly indicate impending death in patients with advanced cancer. The findings have been reported online Feb. 9 in Cancer.

Eight Clinical Signs of Impending Death Identified

Findings in patients with advanced cancer could help families prepare, aid end-of-life care choices
For most pregnant patients with benign spine tumors

Case Series Addresses Spine Tumors in Pregnancy

Most women with benign spine tumors can wait for surgery until after delivery
Robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery for kidney cancer is associated with considerable benefits

Value of Robot-Assisted Surgery in Kidney CA Accrues Over Time

Robot-assisted surgery increases access to partial nephrectomy for appropriate patients
High versus low intake of coffee is associated with a reduced risk for endometrial cancer

High Coffee Intake Linked With Lower Risk of Endometrial Cancer

Women benefited from drinking about four cups daily
Motivational interviewing can be a useful approach for reaching noncompliant patients

Motivational Interviewing Can Help Reach Nonadherent Patients

Although working with patients to set personal goals may take more time, the investment pays off