Statins may slow down prostate cancer in men who are also on androgen deprivation therapy

Statins May Help Slow Progression of Prostate Cancer

Findings among men taking a statin alongside androgen deprivation therapy
Unituxin (dinutuximab) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat children with high-risk neuroblastoma.

FDA Approves Unituxin for High-Risk Neuroblastoma

First approval for a therapy aimed specifically to treat the rare pediatric cancer
Women who survive breast cancer may have a higher-than-average risk of developing thyroid cancer in the next several years

ENDO: Breast Cancer Linked to Higher Risk of Thyroid Cancer

Increased risk seen particularly within five years of breast cancer diagnosis
A vegetarian diet might cut the risk of colorectal cancer by 20 percent

Vegetarian Diet Tied to Reduced Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Benefits greatest for fish eaters, researchers say
A family history of prostate cancer may be tied to a woman's risk of breast cancer

Family Hx of Prostate CA May Increase Risk of Breast CA Too

Doctors should ask about medical history of first-degree male relatives, researchers say
National hospital rating systems are rarely in agreement

National Hospital Rating Systems Rarely in Agreement

None of the hospitals rated as high performer on all four national rating systems
Female medical students perform at the same or higher level as men

Confidence Gap Between Male and Female Med Students

Women's answers more accurate than men's, but they are less confident in their responses
Most lung and colorectal cancer patients involve family members in treatment decisions

Most Cancer Patients Involve Family in Treatment Decisions

Chinese-speaking Asians, Spanish-speaking Hispanics more often share decisions with family
In accordance with the changes in graduate medical education to better prepare doctors for a changing health care system

Changes Being Made to Med School Applicant Assessment

New skills being emphasized on MCAT; multiple mini-interview technique being adopted
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved Zarxio (filgrastim-sndz)

FDA Approves First Biosimilar Drug in U.S.

Zarxio is highly similar to long-sanctioned cancer drug