Estimates of cancer incidence for 2011 in the United States show that about two-thirds of those with cancer survive five or more years after diagnosis

CDC Releases Estimates of Cancer Incidence, Survival for 2011

Sixty-five percent of those with cancer survived five years or more; survival lower among blacks
Medical specialties vary by gender

Gender-Specific Variation in Medical Specialties

About 85 percent of ob-gyn residents are female, while more males in surgery, emergency medicine
For patients with early-onset colorectal cancer

Frequency of Germline TP53 Mutations ID’d in Early-Onset CRC

Germline mutations detected at a frequency of 1.3 percent in patients with early-onset colorectal cancer
Your voice may be the key to landing a new job

Getting Heard May Be Key to Getting New Job

Pitch for job was more convincing when evaluators heard it than when they read it
Patients with low-risk prostate or breast cancer may have higher or lower odds of getting an unnecessary imaging based on geography

Where You Live May Impact Use of Unnecessary Imaging

Doctors tend to order more imaging technologies in the Northeast, researchers found
Adding a simple tetanus shot to dendritic cell immunotherapy for glioblastoma dramatically extended some patients' survival in a small new study. The study was published online March 11 in Nature.

Tetanus Shot Ups Survival With Brain Tumor Immunotherapy

One patient with glioblastoma still alive nine years later
Boosting older adults' colorectal cancer screening rates to 80 percent by 2018 would lead to 21

Coalition Calls for Increased Colorectal Cancer Screening

Coalition aims for 80 percent participation by 2018
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is listening to physicians and wants to address the regulatory burdens they face

HHS Wants to Help Restore Joy of Medicine

Agency listening to physicians and addressing concerns including EHR usability, meaningful use
Researchers are not promptly reporting the results of clinical trials to

Clinical Trial Data Often Not Reported in Timely Manner

Delays in filing findings on new treatments mean patients aren't informed, researcher says
While concerns remain regarding the long-term health effects of hormonal therapy on transgender patients

No Higher Odds of Breast Cancer in Transgender Patients

Research based on VA medical records finds no increase in risk, despite use of hormone Rx