Efforts are underway to offer technological solutions to the burdens associated with prior authorizations

Electronic Solutions Underway for Rx Prior Authorizations

Two technology companies offering solutions that embed electronic PA in e-prescribing process
For patients with Hodgkin's lymphoma

Brentuximab Vedotin Ups Survival After SCT in Hodgkin’s

Progression-free survival up when given as early consolidation after autologous stem-cell transplant
Minority patients are less actively involved in surgeon and hospital selection for breast cancer surgery

Minority Women Less Involved in Choices for Breast CA Surgery

Black and Hispanic women with breast cancer less likely to select surgeon, hospital based on reputation
Higher total white blood cell and neutrophil counts are independent predictors of stroke in older Japanese-American men

WBC, Neutrophil Counts Predict Stroke Risk in Older Asian Men

Higher total WBC, neutrophil counts independently predict stroke in older Japanese-American men
C-reactive protein levels are an independent prognostic marker in melanoma

C-Reactive Protein Independent Prognostic Marker in Melanoma

Link with overall, melanoma-specific survival; increase in CRP also linked to disease progression
The Obama Administration reported Monday the largest drop in the number of Americans without health insurance since the Johnson administration expanded health coverage through Medicare and Medicaid 50 years ago.

More Than 16 Million Americans Have Gained Coverage Under ACA

White House announces historic drop in number of uninsured Americans
Obesity takes a huge toll on health

Cancer Odds Up 40 Percent in Obese Women

However, researchers stress that losing excess weight can lower the odds again
Blood that's been stored for a few weeks is just as beneficial as fresh blood for patients with life-threatening conditions who require transfusions

Old Blood As Good As Fresh in Critically Ill Patients

Trial shows that changes to blood during storage do not affect quality
Two single nucleotide polymorphisms have been identified which confer differential benefit for aspirin and/or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use in relation to colorectal cancer risk

Genetic Variation Impacts Aspirin/NSAID Link to CRC Risk

Use of aspirin, NSAIDs lowers risk of CRC in association with genetic variation at two SNPs
Individual pathologists' interpretations of a single breast biopsy slide generally concur with expert consensus-derived reference diagnoses

Accuracy High for Pathologists Interpreting Breast Biopsy

Based on single breast slide, overall agreement 75.3 percent for individual pathologist versus consensus