Breaches in data security exposed more than 29 million health records to potential criminal misuse between 2010 and 2013

Security Breaches of Health Records Up Over Past Decade

Researchers call for enhanced security as more patient information is stored online
The intervention of a local pharmacist could help improve adherence to newer anticoagulants

Pharmacist Support Boosts Anticoagulation Adherence

In study, almost 30 percent of people with atrial fibrillation didn't use dabigatran as instructed
Most hospitalists feel that they should not be involved in breast cancer screening

Most Hospitalists Would Not Order Inpatient Mammography

Few hospitalists would order a mammogram for a hospitalized woman who was overdue for screening
Among a group of men with an initial negative prostate biopsy

Repeat Prostate Biopsy Rounds Yield Cancer Cases

Increased likelihood of prostate cancer seen with fourth repeat biopsy, men ≥70
The quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine appears to be cost-effective for the prevention of oropharyngeal cancer among 12-year-old males

HPV4 Vaccine Cost-Effective for OPC Prevention in Teen Boys

Quadrivalent vaccine appears cost-effective among 12-year-old boys in Canada
Significantly more adults in Florida and Texas struggle to pay medical bills or pay off medical debt over time compared with residents of New York and California

Medical Debt Burden Higher in Texas, Florida

California and New York fully expanded Medicaid coverage under ACA, but Texas and Florida did not
For patients with hepatitis C virus

Statin Use Found Beneficial in Hepatitis C Treatment

Improved virologic response rates, decreased liver fibrosis progression, HCC incidence
An innovative interdisciplinary program

Art Program Hones Med Students’ Visual Observation Skills

Students become better at observation and appreciate the importance of communication
Most physicians have barely begun to deal with issues relating to documentation associated with the transition to the International Classification of Diseases

Many Doctors Haven’t Started Dealing With ICD-10 Revision

Tips to ease transition include contacting vendors and health plans, improving documentation
Many head and neck cancer survivors do not return to work

Many Head and Neck Cancer Survivors Don’t Return to Work

Current unemployment linked to harder physical work, surgical treatment, risky alcohol consumption