For clinically atypical pigmented lesions

Review Compares Shave, Punch Biopsy Methods

No difference in rate of overall positive margins for all lesions; size, morphology impact positivity
Looking up students on Facebook and other social networking sites is associated with ethical concerns

Ethical Implications for Looking Up Applicants on Facebook

Misinterpretation of content, implicit bias could undermine fair appraisal for applicants
Medicare spending is down in year one of the Pioneer accountable care organization program

Medicare Spending Down in Year One of Pioneer ACO

Total adjusted per-beneficiary spending down in ACO group versus control group
If genetic tests are only done on cancer tissue

Call for Gene Tests in Cancer to Include Normal Tissue

Current practice of only focusing on tumor samples might adversely affect care
Statin use is inversely associated with pancreatic cancer risk

Statin Use Inversely Linked to Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Risk reduction appears sex specific, with significant reduction seen for men, but not women
Most U.S. adults would prefer to be asked for permission to participate in studies assessing usual medical practices

Survey Looks at Patient Attitudes Regarding Informed Consent

Most respondents want to be asked for permission to participate in studies assessing medical practice
Recently adopted legislation has repealed the sustainable growth rate formula

AMA Announces End of Sustainable Growth Rate Formula

Legislation includes provisions such as simplification of reporting programs, incentive payments
An in-person skin examination is important for detection of incidentally-identified skin malignancies

Teledermatology Implications for Incidental Skin CA Detection

Most frequently biopsied incidental malignancies seen on head and neck
Aspirin use does not appear to reduce the risk of mortality associated with prostate cancer

Aspirin Use Not Found to Benefit Prostate Cancer Mortality

Increased risks of mortality restricted to aspirin use after the diagnosis of prostate cancer
The strength of the placebo effect may depend on particular DNA

Placebo Response May Depend on Individual DNA

But more questions than answers exist at this point