Only about a quarter of Medicare beneficiaries fill a high-intensity statin prescription after discharge from hospitalization for a coronary heart disease event

Few Patients Fill High-Intensity Statin Rx After CHD Discharge

Twenty-seven percent of Medicare beneficiaries fill prescription for high-intensity statin
A study of adults aged 71 to 80 indicates that daily consumption of 2

A Dash More Salt Than 1,500 mg Seems to Lower Mortality Risk

Trend toward higher death in study participants who had high salt intake
The terms in health care payer contracts are not immutable

Docs Should Negotiate Health Care Payer Contracts

Items to negotiate include easing of prior authorization process, extension for submitting claim
For fourth-year medical students

Collaboration Between Med Students Cuts Diagnostic Errors

Diagnostic accuracy higher for pairs than individuals assessing cases of respiratory distress
A substantial number of Americans who drink also take medications that should not be mixed with alcohol

Many Americans Taking Meds Not to Be Mixed With Alcohol

Researchers couldn't determine if people surveyed were using both simultaneously
For patients with Raynaud's phenomenon

Cold Effects on Skin in Raynaud’s Impacted by Age, BMI

Cold-induced decrease in skin temperature inversely linked to age, BMI in patients not controls
Physicians work long hours

Most Docs Work 40 to 60 Hours Per Week

Considerable proportion work 61 to 80 or more hours; half of docs would prefer to work fewer hours
For patients with suspected infection or inflammation

CRP/ESR Disagreement Common in Infection, Inflammation

Twenty percent of patients who underwent repeat testing had disagreement on initial test
Being sedentary may be twice as deadly as being obese

Sedentary Lifestyle Worse for Health Than Obesity

Just a 20-minute brisk walk each day can lower odds of early death, researchers add
The U.S. epidemic of prescription opioid medication abuse may be starting to reverse course

Epidemic of Rx Opioid Abuse May Be Waning in U.S.

Heroin abuse/overdoses on the rise may be one reason prescription-drug abuse is down