Physicians have ranked electronic health record systems based on five key performance areas

Physicians Rank the Best EHR Systems of 2014

EHRs ranked in five performance areas, including quality of care, patient portal, technical support
Researchers have summarized and clarified what is known about depression treatment in primary care. The reports have been published in the January/February issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.

Reviews Summarize Efficacy of Depression Tx in Primary Care

Sets stage for implementation leading to successful clinical improvement in primary care
Acupuncture is a feasible adjunct therapy for short-term postsurgical pain management in total joint replacement

Acupuncture Viable for Pain Relief After Joint Replacement

Short-term pain reduction with adjunct acupuncture offered after hip, knee replacement
The incidence of hospitalizations for pulmonary embolism increased from 2001 to 2010

Incidence of PE Hospitalizations Rises From 2001 to 2010

Seasonal variation seen in PE hospitalizations, with higher number of admissions in winter
Older patients hospitalized with pneumonia appear to have an increased risk of myocardial infarction

Cardiovascular Risks of Pneumonia May Linger for Years

Risk highest in first month after pneumonia but remains 1.5 times higher over subsequent years
Increased Medicaid reimbursement to primary care providers is associated with improved appointment availability

Higher Medicaid Reimbursement Ups Appointment Availability

Increased reimbursement to primary care providers linked to more availability of appointments
Regular exercise doesn't erase the higher risk of serious illness or premature death that comes from sitting too much each day

Prolonged Sitting Is Health Hazard, Despite Exercise

Biggest health hazard resulting from prolonged sitting is type 2 diabetes
Many physicians report encountering barriers when referring cancer patients to specialty care

Physicians Hit Barriers in Making Cancer Referrals

Sixty percent of physicians report encountering any barrier to cancer specialty referrals
Only about a quarter of Medicare beneficiaries fill a high-intensity statin prescription after discharge from hospitalization for a coronary heart disease event

Few Patients Fill High-Intensity Statin Rx After CHD Discharge

Twenty-seven percent of Medicare beneficiaries fill prescription for high-intensity statin
A study of adults aged 71 to 80 indicates that daily consumption of 2

A Dash More Salt Than 1,500 mg Seems to Lower Mortality Risk

Trend toward higher death in study participants who had high salt intake