Poor Sleep Quality Linked to Incident Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome
Sleep-related daytime dysfunction significantly associated with MCR in fully adjusted models
Sleep Apnea Increases Risk for Dementia in Older Adults Over Time
In those with known/suspected sleep apnea, dementia risk was 4.7 percent higher in women and 2.5 percent higher in men
In a National First, an Idaho Health Department Is Refusing to Give COVID Vaccines
Policies About Late-Career Physicians Are Considered Successful
Policies varied in the testing required, funding, processes after a positive screening result, and decision-making around concerning results
Exercise Tied to Lower Mortality With Dementia
Findings persist regardless of intensity of physical activity
Cognitive Decline Slowed With Cognitive Remediation in At-Risk Adults
CR plus transcranial direct current stimulation slows cognitive decline in older adults with remitted MDD with or without MCI
Even Exercising a Few Times a Week Cuts Later Dementia Risk
The risk for mild dementia reduced by approximately 13 percent in 'weekend warriors'
Low Intake of Vitamins, Minerals Tied to Social Isolation in Older Adults
A considerable number of older adults have lower-than-recommended intake
ED Visit Rate 36.1 per 1,000 Older Adults With Alzheimer Disease
Ambulance arrival was more frequent for emergency department visits made by adults with versus without Alzheimer disease