Proton Pump Inhibitors Linked to Increased Risk of MI
No increased risk seen with H2-blockers
Analysis Targets U.S. Hospitals With Highest Markups
In the 50 hospitals with highest charge-to-cost ratio, charges 10-fold above Medicare-allowable costs
Rotavirus Vaccination Reduces Gastroenteritis Hospitalizations
Rates of hospitalization with gastroenteritis have tumbled since rotavirus vaccine launched in 2006
Larazotide Acetate 0.5 mg Found Beneficial in Celiac Disease
Improvements in signs and symptoms of disease for adult patients on gluten-free diet
AMA Offers Guidance for Physician-Hospital Relationships
Six principles of success described for integrated leadership between hospitals, physicians
Gastritis Linked to Metformin-Related GI Side Effects in T2DM
With metformin, mean score for gastrointestinal side effects higher for gastritis subjects over four weeks
Rise in CRC Screening Rates After ACA Implementation
Increase in colonoscopy, other tests typically seen among poorer, less educated Americans
Anxiety, Depression Impact Symptoms, QoL in GERD
Increased anxiety, depression linked to increased severity of retrosternal pain and heartburn
NASH-Linked Changes Impact Metformin Pharmacokinetics
Mice study shows alteration in kidney transporter expression, altered metformin pharmacokinetics
Model Including CRC Risk Alleles Ups Risk Discrimination
Model more accurately determines risk of colorectal cancer; defines recommended screening age