
Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors May Cut Risk for Liver Cancer


Results inconsistent for association with bile acid sequestrant use depending on diabetes and liver disease status

Incidence of Specific, All Cancers Increased With Pesticide Use


Increased incidence seen for leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and bladder, colon, lung, pancreatic, and all cancers

Being at Eye Level May Benefit Clinician-Patient Interaction


Eye-level communication more effective compared with standing at the bedside of inpatients

Study Looks at Effects of Reducing Intake of Processed Meat, Unprocessed Red Meat


30 percent reduction in processed meat intake would lead to 352,900 fewer occurrences of T2DM, 92,500 fewer occurrences of CVD

FDA Approves Another Blood Test for Colon Cancer Screening

By Ernie Mundell HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, July 29, 2024 (HealthDay News) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Monday approved a new blood test...

Prevalence of Cirrhosis Higher in Transgender Versus Cisgender Adults


However, similar incidence densities of death, decompensation, liver transplantation seen for transgender, cisgender adults

Guidelines Updated for Diagnosis, Management of Focal Liver Lesions


Multiphasic contrast-enhanced imaging performed with late arterial, portal venous, and delayed phases recommended for FLL of uncertain etiology

FIT Screening Cuts Risk of Death From Colorectal Cancer


Association between fecal immunochemical tests and lower CRC mortality risk seen across races

AI-Assisted Model Improves Diagnosis of Solid Lesions in Pancreas


Model integrating clinical information and endoscopic ultrasonographic images enhances diagnostic accuracy of novice endoscopists

Gut Dysbiosis Linked to Mortality for Solid Organ Transplant Recipients


Two microbial community variation patterns identified that are associated with mortality