CDC: In U.S., Half Million C. Difficile Infections in 2011
29,000 died within a month of diagnosis
Sleeping More Than Eight Hours a Night May Up Stroke Risk
More than eight hours a night linked to greater odds in study, but cause-and-effect not proved
Struggle With Routine Tasks Predicts Adverse CHF Outcomes
Struggling patients more likely to be hospitalized than those who can handle basic chores
Characteristics of Tuberculosis Source Cases Identified
Source-case patients have long infectious periods; most report substance abuse, homelessness, prison
Review: More Whole Grains, Less Coronary Heart Disease
Inverse associations between whole-grain intake and CHD risk found in the U.S. and Europe
Essential Role for Pediatricians in Care of Sexual Exploitation Victims
Roles can include working to increase recognition of commercial sexual exploitation of children
ASCO: High-Risk Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Up Since New PSA Recs
Researchers report 3 percent annual rise in intermediate- and high-risk cases
Younger Women Hesitate to Raise ‘False Alarm’ in MI
Could help explain higher mortality from acute MI, compared to men in same age group
~4 Percent Increase in Primary Care Visits Expected With ACA
Commonwealth Fund foresees only modest increases in use of services
Water Fluoridation Linked to Hypothyroidism in Britain
British study finds an association, but unable to prove cause-and-effect