Use of morphine post-tonsillectomy should be limited

Morphine Linked With Adverse Outcomes Post-Tonsillectomy

Research suggests children with obstructive sleep apnea should not be given morphine for post-op pain
Parents might order fewer calories for their children if menus included calorie counts or information on how much walking would be required to burn off the calories in foods

Menu Calorie Data May Prompt Parents to Encourage Exercise

Info about minutes or miles of activity required to burn off calories may be most helpful
Two studies published in the January/February issue of the Annals of Family Medicine evaluate the tools available for diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Studies Highlight Tools for Diagnosis of COPD

Tools include FEV1/FVC and laryngeal height plus Lung Function Questionnaire
Most primary care providers consider advanced medical imaging to be of considerable value for patient care

Most PCPs Consider Advanced Imaging of Value to Patient Care

Docs whose careers predate proliferation of imaging assign higher value to advanced imaging
The Bexsero vaccine has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to prevent serogroup B meningococcal disease among people aged 10 through 25.

FDA Approves New Meningococcal Disease Vaccine

Bexsero is the second vaccine approved in the past three months to prevent this disease
Childhood neglect is associated with changes in the brain's white matter

Childhood Neglect Appears to Affect White Matter Integrity

Changes less significant in children placed in high-quality foster care at an early age
Too many women of childbearing age take prescription opioids

CDC: Opioid Rx Prevalent in Reproductive-Aged Females

Experts recommend lowest effective dose for shortest amount of time + birth control
Adults with eczema may also have an increased risk of heart disease and stroke

Higher Cardiovascular Risk Seen With Eczema

Higher risk of heart disease, stroke in people with the skin condition
The number of people infected with measles linked to the outbreak at Disney amusement parks in Southern California now stands at 70

AAP Urges Parents to Vaccinate Children Against Measles

Seventy people now infected; most hadn't been vaccinated against measles
Only about half of American girls begin receiving the human papillomavirus vaccine at the recommended age

HPV Vaccination Often Not Timely for Girls

Researchers note that CDC recommends vaccination at age 11 or 12