Higher cumulative use of anticholinergics may increase the risk of dementia

Cumulative Use of Anticholinergic Medication Tied to Dementia

Class of drugs interferes with a key brain chemical, but study doesn't prove cause and effect
For critically ill patients

Chlorhexidine Bathing Doesn’t Cut Health Care-Linked Infections

No difference in primary outcome for bathing with chlorhexidine versus nonantimicrobial cloth
For children in pediatric intensive care units mechanically ventilated for acute respiratory failure

Sedation Protocol Doesn’t Reduce Duration of Ventilation in PICU

No reduction in duration of mechanical ventilation for children with sedation protocol versus usual care
Women with polycystic ovary syndrome are at increased risk for a number of serious health problems

Women With PCOS Hospitalized More Often

Women with polycystic ovary syndrome more likely to be hospitalized for variety of reasons
Intensive lifestyle modifications

Impact of Intensive Lifestyle Change on CV Burden Studied

Review indicates diet, exercise decrease overall coronary/carotid atherosclerosis burden
The positive rate of the glucose breath test is higher in patients with inflammatory bowel disease

Glucose Breath Test Positivity Up in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Positive rate significantly higher in patients with Crohn's disease; positivity linked to GI symptom
An electronic medical record system

Early Alert Intervention Cuts Heart Failure Readmission

Significant reduction in 30-day readmission after implementation of early alert system
High penicillin G prescribing may lead to an altered level of resistance in the commensal viridans group streptococci population

High Penicillin Prescribing Could Build Reservoirs of Resistance

Significant difference in minimum inhibitory concentration for high, low prescribers of penicillin G
The 2015 recommended childhood and adolescence immunization schedules have been approved by the American Academy of Pediatrics and other medical organizations

AAP Approves 2015 Vaccine Schedule for Children, Teens

Minor changes from 2014 format include footnotes; extensive revision to meningococcal footnote
Marijuana shouldn't be legalized because of the potential harm it can cause children and adolescents

AAP Opposes Legalization of Marijuana

But supports compassionate use for children with debilitating, terminal illnesses