The risk of fractures increases with both weight gain and loss in older women

Postmenopausal Weight Loss or Gain Ups Risk of Fracture

Researchers found just a 5 percent gain or loss may affect postmenopausal bone health
Girls who consume a lot of sugary drinks may begin menstruating earlier than girls who don't

Sugary Drink Consumption Tied to Earlier Menarche

Early menstruation a risk factor for depression and breast cancer
Current smoking reduces odds of survival in prostate cancer

Current Smoking Reduces Survival in Prostate Cancer

Former, as well as current, smokers saw higher risk for radiation tx-related urinary side effects
Millions of Americans aged 65 and older fall every year

Many Seniors Not Reporting Falls to Physician

Fewer than half tell their doctor of fall, researcher notes
Pain management treatment decisions may be impacted by a health care provider's demographic characteristics

Provider Demographics Affect Pain Treatment Decisions

These effects may contribute to pain management disparities
The first generic version of Nexium (esomeprazole magnesium delayed-release capsules) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease in adults and children ages 1 and older.

FDA Approves Generic Form of Nexium

To treat gastroesophageal reflux disease in adults and children ages 1 and older
Chronic insomniacs who regularly take longer than 14 minutes to fall asleep appear to be at a significantly increased risk for hypertension

Difficulty Falling Asleep Linked to Higher Risk of Hypertension

Risk up with regularly taking longer than 14 minutes to fall asleep
For patients seen in emergency departments solely for chest pain not due to myocardial infarction

Benefit of Noninvasive Tests in Non-MI Chest Pain Questioned

Such screenings don't predict who will have a future cardiovascular event, researchers report
Many women with breast cancer lack basic knowledge about their disease

Many Breast Cancer Patients Lack Knowledge of Their Disease

Problem more pronounced among minority women
People at age 55 who've lived with 11 to 20 years of high cholesterol show double the risk of coronary heart disease compared to people who age with only one to 10 years of high cholesterol

Duration of Hyperlipidemia in 30s/40s Impacts CHD Risk

Researchers compare extended exposure to high cholesterol to "pack years" in smoking