Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators may not benefit all patients to the same degree

ICDs May Provide Little Benefit When Implanted Over Age 70

ICDs lead to extended survival in those at high risk for sudden cardiac death, less so for those over 70
Yoga is increasingly popular among U.S. adults and children

Americans’ Complementary Health Approaches Changing

Yoga practice and fish oil use up, some other supplement use down
Medication combined with a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program can decrease disability and improve mental health in low back pain patients over several years

Multidisciplinary Approach Successful in Chronic Back Pain

Continuation of multidisciplinary program improves disability, mental health over 30 months
Use of the American College of Radiology Lung Imaging Reporting and Data System classification system for low-dose computed tomography can reduce the false-positive result rate but also decreases sensitivity

Lung-RADS Criteria Can Reduce False-Positive Result Rate

Reduction in false-positive result rate, but reduction in sensitivity also observed
In younger people with acute myocardial infarction

Mental Stress Adversely Affects MI Recovery in Younger Women

One month after acute myocardial infarction, women were more likely to have a poorer recovery
A review of U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspection reports between 1998 and 2013 revealed 57 clinical trials in which regulators had uncovered violations serious enough to earn the agency's most severe classification -- "official action indicated

Research Misconduct ID’d by FDA Often Unreported in Literature

Only three of 78 published studies mentioned issues of concern uncovered by FDA
The mercury found in some seafood may be linked to autoimmune disorders among women of childbearing age

Mercury From Seafood Tied to Higher Levels of Autoantibodies

Exposure may raise risk of autoimmune diseases in women
A new analysis indicates that people with type 2 diabetes are less likely to suffer myocardial infarctions

BP Meds Benefit Diabetes Patients, Even Without HTN

Although positive effect of meds smaller in participants with lower blood pressure levels
Chronic fatigue syndrome

IOM Proposes New Criteria, Name for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

IOM committee proposes name change to 'Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease'
Low-dose iron supplements speed blood donors' recovery of iron and hemoglobin

Iron Supplements Speed Blood Donation Recovery

Finding could allow people to donate again sooner to help keep blood supply adequate