U.S. recommendations against the prostate-specific antigen test for prostate cancer might have prompted a small but measurable increase in the number of higher-risk cases diagnosed recently

ASCO: High-Risk Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Up Since New PSA Recs

Researchers report 3 percent annual rise in intermediate- and high-risk cases
Younger women may ignore early warning signs of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

Younger Women Hesitate to Raise ‘False Alarm’ in MI

Could help explain higher mortality from acute MI, compared to men in same age group
The greater number of Americans with health insurance under the Affordable Care Act will lead to only a slight increase in the use of medical services

~4 Percent Increase in Primary Care Visits Expected With ACA

Commonwealth Fund foresees only modest increases in use of services
A British study has found a correlation between the amount of fluoride in public drinking water and a rise in incidence of hypothyroidism. The findings were published online Feb. 24 in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.

Water Fluoridation Linked to Hypothyroidism in Britain

British study finds an association, but unable to prove cause-and-effect
There's new evidence that pre-exposure prophylaxis in the days before and after a sexual encounter with an HIV-infected partner can be effective prevention. Two new studies were presented Tuesday at the annual Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

CROI: Support for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in HIV Prevention

Research suggests tenofovir/emtricitabine doesn't need to be taken daily, but more study still needed
Older patients with a broken hip are more likely to die after the fracture if they're discharged from the hospital early

Shorter Hospital Stay Tied to Higher Mortality Post-Hip Fx

Survival odds improve with longer stay
Suicide is a public health concern for patients with genitourinary cancer

Suicide Deemed Public Health Concern in Genitourinary Cancers

Risk factors include male gender, distant disease, increasing age, race/ethnicity
The water used to mix baby formula plays the biggest role in whether formula-fed babies are exposed to increased levels of arsenic

Water Used to Mix Baby Formula Plays Role in Arsenic Level

Researchers find overall amounts low, but recommend testing privately supplied tap water
A centralized statewide reminder system for immunizations may be a more reliable way to increase overall vaccination rates than reminders from a doctor's office

Centralized Reminder System Could Increase Vaccination Rates

Centralized notification system might be more effective than doctors' office messages
Men who've had testicular cancer may be at increased risk for prostate cancer

ASCO: Testicular Cancer May Raise Risk of Prostate Cancer

But it's too soon to make any recommendations, and overall risk is low, researcher says