Practices' adherence to a quality-assurance program for point-of-care testing devices can be improved with reminders

Reminders Improve Practices’ Quality-Assurance Testing

Postal, computer reminders equally increase adherence to quality-assurance program
Hormone replacement therapy for women may not be as potentially risky as previously thought

ENDO: HRT May Not Be As Risky As Once Thought

But other experts warn it's too soon to say the treatment is safe
Women who survive breast cancer may have a higher-than-average risk of developing thyroid cancer in the next several years

ENDO: Breast Cancer Linked to Higher Risk of Thyroid Cancer

Increased risk seen particularly within five years of breast cancer diagnosis
Using chlorhexidine to clean the umbilical cords of infants born outside of a hospital lowers infant infection and death rates in developing countries

Cleaning Umbilical Cord With Chlorhexidine Lowers Mortality

Findings useful for home births in developing countries
Eating a modest amount of nuts appears to lower the risk for adolescents of developing conditions that raise the chances of heart disease later in life

ENDO: Encourage Teens to ‘Go Nuts’ for Better Health

Three small handfuls a week lowered risk factors in study, but few children eat enough
A child may face an increased risk of asthma if the child's mother or father experienced depression during the pregnancy or if the mother took an older antidepressant to treat her condition

Paternal, Maternal Depression May Up Asthma Risk for Baby

And older, but not newer, antidepressants in pregnancy showed similar increased odds
A new cardiopulmonary resuscitation system designed to increase the chance of survival in people experiencing cardiac arrest has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

FDA Approves New CPR Devices

Used together, they up the amount of oxygenated blood circulating through the body during CPR
National hospital rating systems are rarely in agreement

National Hospital Rating Systems Rarely in Agreement

None of the hospitals rated as high performer on all four national rating systems
Successful cognitive behavioral therapy for an anxiety disorder in childhood is associated with lasting protection against suicidal ideation

Psychotherapy for Child Anxiety Offers Long-Term Benefits

Responders less likely to endorse lifetime, past-month, past-two-week suicidal ideation
Extended pre-quit bupropion is associated with reduced smoking behavior during the pre-quit period and improved short-term abstinence rates

Extended Pre-Cessation Bupropion Helps Smokers Quit

Reduces smoking behavior during the pre-quit period; improves short-term abstinence rates