For young patients presenting with acute confusion

Susac Syndrome Is Possibility in Cases of Acute Confusion

Two cases demonstrate possibility of Susac syndrome for young patients presenting with confusion
Subthreshold manic or hypomanic episodes may be a diagnostic precursor to bipolar disorder in the children of parents with bipolar disorder

Subthreshold Mania May Mean Bipolarity in High-Risk Youth

Subthreshold episodes are a diagnostic risk factor in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
The expected shortfall of physicians is projected to reach about 46

AAMC: Significant Shortfall of Physicians Projected for 2025

Demand for physicians increasing faster than supply; shortfall expected to reach 46,100 to 90,400 by 2025
Statins may slow down prostate cancer in men who are also on androgen deprivation therapy

Statins May Help Slow Progression of Prostate Cancer

Findings among men taking a statin alongside androgen deprivation therapy
A new study in mice hints at the success of a vaccine against the herpes simplex virus. The research was published online March 9 in eLife.

HSV-2 Vaccine Shows Promise in Experimental Research

Study in mice hints at the success of a vaccine against the virus
When patients survive sepsis

Hospitalizations After Sepsis Resolution Often Preventable

Readmissions often for diseases, conditions that can be treated after first discharge
A vegetarian diet might cut the risk of colorectal cancer by 20 percent

Vegetarian Diet Tied to Reduced Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Benefits greatest for fish eaters, researchers say
A family history of prostate cancer may be tied to a woman's risk of breast cancer

Family Hx of Prostate CA May Increase Risk of Breast CA Too

Doctors should ask about medical history of first-degree male relatives, researchers say
Hard physical work

Physical Labor, High BP, Multiple Meds Affect Male Fertility

All among the factors that may lower sperm quality and make men less fertile
A monthly educational intervention paired with a web-based quality improvement tool is feasible for increasing the proportion of inappropriate proton pump inhibitor prescriptions discontinued at hospital discharge

Educational Intervention Can Cut Inappropriate PPI Prescriptions

Increase in proportion of PPIs discontinued at hospital discharge after intervention implementation