At one Canadian children's hospital

Medication Issues Behind One in 12 Pediatric ER Visits

Adverse reactions, misuse are the common culprits
Patient engagement initiatives can decrease costs without sacrificing quality care

Patient Engagement Can Cut Costs, Improve Outcomes

Initiatives can decrease hospital visits, cut morbidity and mortality, up treatment adherence
Red Bull consumption combined with mental stress correlates with increased blood pressure and heart rate

Cardiovascular, Cerebral Effect for Red Bull + Mental Stress

Increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, decreased cerebral blood flow velocity
Use of topical dapsone may have led to the development of methemoglobinemia

Topical Acne Gel Linked to Methemoglobinemia

Teen developed blood disorder after using Aczone for a week
The United States has seen more cases of measles in January than it usually does in an entire year

CDC: Measles Cases in January Top Typical Load for Entire Year

Spread driven largely by outbreak that started at Disney theme parks in California in December
From 2002 to 2011 there was a decrease in the rate of hospitalizations for hepatitis A

Hepatitis A Hospitalizations Down From 2002 to 2011

Increase in age of those hospitalized, and in percent of hospitalizations covered by Medicare
Automated external defibrillators installed and ready for use in many public spaces can save lives when needed

FDA to Strengthen Approval Process for AEDs

Agency has received 72,000 reports of automated external defibrillators failing
For patients seen in emergency departments solely for chest pain not due to myocardial infarction

Benefit of Noninvasive Tests in Non-MI Chest Pain Questioned

Such screenings don't predict who will have a future cardiovascular event, researchers report
For children in pediatric intensive care units mechanically ventilated for acute respiratory failure

Sedation Protocol Doesn’t Reduce Duration of Ventilation in PICU

No reduction in duration of mechanical ventilation for children with sedation protocol versus usual care
An electronic medical record system

Early Alert Intervention Cuts Heart Failure Readmission

Significant reduction in 30-day readmission after implementation of early alert system