
Second Omicron Case Reported in Man Who Traveled to NYC Anime Convention


Man developed mild symptoms on Nov. 22, sought testing on Nov. 24, and has since recovered

Red Cross Issues Urgent Plea for Blood Donations


Donations have steadily dropped by 40 percent during the past two decades

B 12/21 -- Certain Cancer Patients at Higher Odds for Severe COVID-19

Socioeconomic Status Tied to Survival After In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest


High-SES patients less likely to receive delayed cardiopulmonary resuscitation; more likely to survive CPR, to survive to discharge and to 30 days

VTE Risk High in Cancer Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors


History of VTE predicts VTE occurrence; VTE occurrence linked to increased mortality


Groups Jointly Issue Guidelines for Von Willebrand Disease


ASH, ISTH, NHF, and WFH developed clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, management of von Willebrand disease

Proposed legislation as part of the American Health Care Act

High-Risk Pools May Represent Step Back for U.S. Health Care

Higher premiums, deductibles, out-of-pocket costs likely to make high-risk pools unaffordable

ADHD Tied to Higher Fracture Risk in Children


However, pharmacological treatment for ADHD may decrease this risk

Young adults who report injecting drugs or using heroin

High Uptake, Acceptability of Rapid Fentanyl Test Strips

Significant link between receiving positive results, reporting positive change in overdose risk behavior
As a result of the Affordable Care Act

ACA Tied to Nearly 17 Million Gaining Health Coverage

But many Americans still can't afford medical care
Opioids prescribed by dentists may pose a threat for interactions with medications for depression or anxiety in older adults

Dentists’ Rx for Opioids Pose Danger for Drug Interactions

In older adults, interactions with meds for depression, anxiety increase risk for ED visits, hospitalizations