Bird Flu Found in Georgia Commercial Poultry for First Time
2011 to 2022 Saw Increasing Prevalence of Poor Mental Health
Inequities noted in outcomes by age, sex, and racial and ethnic group
CDC: Another Human Bird Flu Case Brings Total to 67
Meanwhile, agency urges faster testing for avian influenza A(H5N1) in hospitalized patients with suspected influenza
Multiple Violations Found at McDonald’s Onion Supplier After Deadly E.Coli Outbreak
Postdischarge Contacts Do Not Reduce 30-Day ED Visits, Readmissions
Most of the postdischarge contact interventions consisted of a single telephone contact, often within three days
Disparities Seen in Traumatic Brain Injury-Related Mortality
Older adults, men, non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native persons have the highest rates
Patient Care Experience Worse After Private Equity Acquisition of Hospitals
Decrease seen in percentage of patients rating hospitals as 9 or 10 and in percentage who would definitely recommend the hospital
CPR Coach Training Boosts Coach Presence on Code Teams in Pediatric ICU
Clinically significant improvements also seen in some metrics of quality CPR delivery in real cardiopulmonary arrests
Many in Need of Substance Use Disorder Treatment Not Receiving It
Findings seen across alcohol, drug, and opioid use disorders
Incident Gabapentin Use Not Linked to Increase in Falls Versus Duloxetine
Findings seen in older adults with diabetic neuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, or fibromyalgia