From 1980 to 2010 the Latino physician shortage worsened

Latino Physician Shortage Has Worsened Since 1980

Decrease in Latino physician rate per 100,000 of the Latino population from 1980 to 2010
Patients often prefer physicians with formal attire and white coats

Patients Tend to Prefer Formal Physician Attire

Patient preferences influenced by age, geographic location, context of care
Yoga is increasingly popular among U.S. adults and children

Americans’ Complementary Health Approaches Changing

Yoga practice and fish oil use up, some other supplement use down
Given that physicians are chosen for meaningful use audits at random

Seven Tips Help Doctors Prepare for Meaningful Use Audits

Best way to prepare for an audit is to assume it will happen and make sure MU requirements are met
For infants with atopic dermatitis

Human Breast Milk Effective for Infants With Atopic Dermatitis

Topical application of breast milk found to be as effective as hydrocortisone 1 percent ointment
A review of U.S. Food and Drug Administration inspection reports between 1998 and 2013 revealed 57 clinical trials in which regulators had uncovered violations serious enough to earn the agency's most severe classification -- "official action indicated

Research Misconduct ID’d by FDA Often Unreported in Literature

Only three of 78 published studies mentioned issues of concern uncovered by FDA
For medical students

Confidence Not Accurate Measure of Prescribing Competence

Fourth-year medical students show lack of insight into their own prescribing strengths and weaknesses
Motivational interviewing can be a useful approach for reaching noncompliant patients

Motivational Interviewing Can Help Reach Nonadherent Patients

Although working with patients to set personal goals may take more time, the investment pays off
Lifestyle factors

Better Daily Dental Routine Could Help Retain Youthful Looks

Smoking, sun-bed use, and poor oral hygiene all increase perceived facial age
Erbium:YAG lasers can effectively treat refractory melasma

Erbium:YAG Lasers Effectively Treat Refractory Melasma

Decrease in number of melanocytes and concentration of melanin in melasma skin after surgery