America is making slow but steady progress against cancer

Small, Steady Decline in Cancer Rates in U.S. Over Past Decade

Annual report shows progress in battle against cancer
The number of mobile health apps is continuing to increase and doctors are embracing this trend

Mobile Health App Use Continuing to Increase

More than one-third of doctors recommended mobile health apps to their patients in past year
Retinol peel treatment can help increase lipid film in women aged 50 to 69 years

Retinol Peel Increases Lipid Film on Face, Neck

Significant increase of lipid film in U-zone, T-zone, and neck in women aged 50 to 69 years
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection may affect the severity of psoriasis

H. Pylori May Impact Severity of Psoriasis

No higher prevalence of H. pylori infection in patients with mild, moderate psoriasis
About 6.1 percent of U.S. allopathic medical school seniors in the National Resident Matching Program were not placed into first-year residency positions

2015 Match Sees High Proportion of Unmatched Seniors

2015 Match included largest number of registrants on record; all-time high in terms of positions offered
Burnout can be prevented if physicians are aware of the warning signs

Physicians Should Be Aware of Signs of Burnout

Stress is major predictor for burnout among doctors; operating in high-stress environment also harmful

American Academy of Dermatology, March 20-24

The 73rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology The annual meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology was held from March...
Healthy young women taking spironolactone for acne have no increased rate of hyperkalemia

AAD: Low Rate of Hyperkalemia With Spironolactone Use

Rate in women taking spironolactone comparable to baseline rate among healthy young women
Telangiectatic photoaging is a distinct dermatological disorder from erythematotelangiectatic subtype of rosacea

AAD: Telangiectatic Photoaging Distinct From Rosacea Subtype

Histological, gene expression findings differentiate TP from erythematotelangiectatic rosacea
For patients with psoriasis

AAD: Herpes Zoster Incidence Up With Combo Tx for Psoriasis

Physicians may need to consider offering a herpes zoster preventive vaccine to patients