Bipolar fractional radiofrequency therapy appears to be effective for atrophic acne scars and acne among Japanese patients

Bipolar FRF Tx for Acne in Japanese Deemed Safe, Effective

Improvement in scar volume, reduction in number of acne lesions in study involving Japanese patients
A cream formula containing 4 percent hydroquinone

Three-Drug Combo Cream Effective for Melasma

Compared with other cream formulations, side effects were tolerable
An innovative interdisciplinary program

Art Program Hones Med Students’ Visual Observation Skills

Students become better at observation and appreciate the importance of communication
Most physicians have barely begun to deal with issues relating to documentation associated with the transition to the International Classification of Diseases

Many Doctors Haven’t Started Dealing With ICD-10 Revision

Tips to ease transition include contacting vendors and health plans, improving documentation
Significantly more adults in Florida and Texas struggle to pay medical bills or pay off medical debt over time compared with residents of New York and California

Medical Debt Burden Higher in Texas, Florida

California and New York fully expanded Medicaid coverage under ACA, but Texas and Florida did not
Periocular basal cell carcinomas have a mean growth rate of 11.2 mm² every 30 days

Periocular Basal Cell Carcinomas Can Grow Rapidly

Faster growth rate seen in association with recurrent tumors, larger tumors at presentation, male sex
An active ingredient in some psoriasis and multiple sclerosis medications

Dimethyl Fumarate Linked to Development of PML

Linked to two cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Nearly all pharmacists have experienced upswings in the acquisition costs of generic drugs

Pharmacists Raise Concerns for Patient Access to Generic Drugs

Survey shows it takes one month or longer for PBMs to fix maximum allowed costs underpayments
The incidence of melanoma is falling among American children

Cases of Melanoma Declining in U.S. Children

Researchers credit better education on risk of UV rays, changes in children's play
Physicians have only 45 days to review and dispute reports regarding their financial ties to drug and medical device manufacturers reported under the Physician Payments Sunshine Act

Limited Time Available to Review Sunshine Act Data

Doctors have limited time period to review financial data and dispute reports before they go public