Biden Administration Pushes for Rule Wiping Medical Debt From Credit Reports
Adverse Effects of Medical Treatment Increasing Worldwide
In high sociodemographic index region, age effects showed higher incidence rate in older adults
Education, Simulation Training Prepares Staff for Emergency Resternotomy
More respondents report being prepared to be members of care team for emergency sternotomy after intervention
2007 to 2019 Saw Increase in Inflation-Adjusted Health Care Spending
From 2007 to 2019, medical burden increased from 23.5 to 26.4 percent for low-income families and from 5.4 to 6.5 percent for higher-income families
Physicians With Disabilities May Experience Depersonalization
However, they are not more likely to experience emotional exhaustion
Daily Mobility Leads to Better ICU Outcomes
More daily out-of-bed mobility for ICU patients tied to shorter mechanical ventilation duration
Video Laryngoscopy Improves Intubation on First Attempt in Neonates
Median number of attempts to achieve successful intubation was one in video-laryngoscopy group
Cyberattack Cripples Major U.S. Health Care Network
Sociodemographics Tied to Rehab Use During Critical Illness Hospitalization
Dual Medicare and Medicaid eligibility, rural residence linked to lower odds of physical, occupational therapy receipt
Personalized Tool Can Predict Infants at Increased Risk for RSV
Tool included 19 variables and had good predictive accuracy, identifying those who did not qualify for palivizumab